Using Tailwind and Next, you can easily set up a transition effect for showing and hiding

Can Tailwind CSS and conditional coding at Next.js be used to create a display or visibility transition? I am attempting to implement a smooth fade-in effect for exception messages returned by the backend under the responseError object in Context API. However, no transition effect seems to occur with the current code:

  responseError ?
    <span className={`${ responseError ? "visible transition-all ease-in-out delay-150 duration-300" : "invisible"} pt-4 text-sm text-red-500 font-['Poppins'] font-bold `}>
       username or password incorrect
  : null


  responseError ?
    <span className={`${ responseError ? "visible transition-all ease-in-out delay-150 duration-300" : "invisible"} pt-4 text-sm text-red-500 font-['Poppins'] font-bold `}>
       { responseError.message }
  : null

Answer №1

Consider using opacity instead of visibility.

Check out this stack overflow response that addresses a similar issue to the one you are experiencing. In summary, the visibility property only has two options: visible or hidden. On the contrary, opacity allows values from 0 to 1, enabling smoother transitions with keyframes when utilizing the transition property.

I also noticed that you are checking for the presence of responseError twice in your code - once to render a <span> and again to apply tailwind classes. This could result in your fade-in transition working only during the fade-in process because the <span> is only displayed when responseError is present. Consider revising your approach like this:

<span className={`${ responseError ? "opacity-100" : "opacity-0"} transition-opacity ease-in-out delay-150 duration-300 pt-4 text-sm text-red-500 font-['Poppins'] font-bold `}>
   { responseError ? responseError.message : '' }

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