What is the best way to add borders to the cities on interactive SVG maps?

I'm currently developing Interactive SVG Maps showcasing Turkey. The map consists of 81 cities, each represented by <g> elements, and their respective districts, created as child elements within the city elements. It's worth noting that the borders of a city align with the borders of its districts. Below is a snippet of the code:

<g id="Hakkari" transform="translate(4607.000000, 1335.000000)" data-transform-left="--87">
                    <g id="Merkez" transform="translate(10.000000, 2.000000)">
                        <polygon id="Shape" stroke="#FFFFFF" fill="#9FB4B7" fill-rule="nonzero" points="31 59 119 38 181 0 193 43 155 64 163 167 49 175 0 142"></polygon>
                        <g id="MER" transform="translate(85.000000, 98.000000)" font-size="6" font-family="Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica" fill="#000000" font-weight="bold">
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">MER</tspan>
                    <g id="Yüksekova" transform="translate(165.000000, 0.000000)">
                        <polygon id="Shape" stroke="#FFFFFF" fill="#9FB4B7" fill-rule="nonzero" points="38 44 122 0 163 7 185 27 185 107 118 133 79 177 38 176 25 190 7 168 0 66"></polygon>
                        <g id="YÜK" transform="translate(78.000000, 86.000000)" font-size="6" font-family="Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica" fill="#000000" font-weight="bold">
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">YÜK</tspan>
                    <g id="Şemdinli" transform="translate(244.000000, 107.000000)">
                        <polygon id="Shape" stroke="#FFFFFF" fill="#9FB4B7" fill-rule="nonzero" points="106 0 168 47 172 104 121 94 40 169 14 127 31 87 0 70 39 26"></polygon>
                        <g id="ŞEM" transform="translate(81.000000, 62.000000)" font-size="6" font-family="Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica" fill="#000000" font-weight="bold">
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">ŞEM</tspan>
                    <g id="Çukurca" transform="translate(0.000000, 143.000000)">
                        <polygon id="Shape" stroke="#FFFFFF" fill="#9FB4B7" fill-rule="nonzero" points="190 47 163 76 70 72 20 51 0 24 10 0 58 33 173 26"></polygon>
                        <g id="ÇUK" transform="translate(104.000000, 50.000000)" font-size="6" font-family="Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica" fill="#000000" font-weight="bold">
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">ÇUK</tspan>

The requirement is to emphasize the outer borders of the cities in thick black lines, rather than focusing on the district borders themselves.

Appreciate your help!

Answer №1

I'm not entirely sure about your question as I am not familiar with the geography of your region.

There are a couple of errors in your SVG code: you have repeated the same id multiple times, so I have converted them into classes. Additionally, your SVG file is quite lengthy, so I have moved some styles to CSS.

If you are looking to outline the 4 polygons, I have applied an SVG filter to draw a red line:

<g id="Hakkari" filter="url(#outline-red)" . . . .

I hope this addresses your query.

svg {
  border: 1px solid;

.Shape {
  stroke: #ffffff;
  fill: #9fb4b7;
text {
  font-size: 16px;
  font-family: Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica;
  fill: #000000;
  font-weight: bold;

#Hakkari{filter:url(#outline-red); }
/*#Hakkari:hover{filter:url(#outline-red); }*/
<svg viewBox = "4570 1300 500 350">
    <filter id="outline-red">
    <feMorphology in="SourceAlpha" result="expanded" operator="dilate" radius="3"/>
    <feFlood flood-color="red" result="red" />
    <feComposite in ="red" in2="expanded" operator="in" />
    <feComposite in="SourceGraphic"/>
  <g id="Hakkari"  transform="translate(4607.000000, 1335.000000)" data-transform-left="-521.5" data-transform-top="-87">
                    <g id="Merkez" transform="translate(10.000000, 2.000000)">
                        <polygon class="Shape" points="31 59 119 38 181 0 193 43 155 64 163 167 49 175 0 142"></polygon>
                        <g id="MER" transform="translate(85.000000, 98.000000)" >
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">MER</tspan>
                    <g id="Yüksekova" transform="translate(165.000000, 0.000000)">
                        <polygon class="Shape"  points="38 44 122 0 163 7 185 27 185 107 118 133 79 177 38 176 25 190 7 168 0 66"></polygon>
                        <g id="YÜK" transform="translate(78.000000, 86.000000)" >
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">YÜK</tspan>
                    <g id="Şemdinli" transform="translate(244.000000, 107.000000)">
                        <polygon class="Shape"  points="106 0 168 47 172 104 121 94 40 169 14 127 31 87 0 70 39 26"></polygon>
                        <g id="ŞEM" transform="translate(81.000000, 62.000000)" >
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">ŞEM</tspan>
                    <g id="Çukurca" transform="translate(0.000000, 143.000000)">
                        <polygon class="Shape"  points="190 47 163 76 70 72 20 51 0 24 10 0 58 33 173 26"></polygon>
                        <g id="ÇUK" transform="translate(104.000000, 50.000000)" >
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">ÇUK</tspan>


Here is another method for adding borders to a group of elements: I've used one group as a background with a border. Then, I've utilized the same group as intended.

svg {
  border: 1px solid;

#A {
  fill: red;
  stroke: red;
  stroke-width: 10px;

#B {
  stroke: #ffffff;
  fill: #9fb4b7;
text {
  font-size: 16px;
  font-family: Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica;
  fill: #000000;
  font-weight: bold;
  stroke: none;
<svg viewBox="4570 1300 500 350" width="500" height="350">
    <g id="Hakkari">
                    <g id="Merkez" transform="translate(10.000000, 2.000000)">
                        <polygon class="Shape" points="31 59 119 38 181 0 193 43 155 64 163 167 49 175 0 142"></polygon>
                    <g id="Yüksekova" transform="translate(165.000000, 0.000000)">
                        <polygon class="Shape"  points="38 44 122 0 163 7 185 27 185 107 118 133 79 177 38 176 25 190 7 168 0 66"></polygon>
                    <g id="Şemdinli" transform="translate(244.000000, 107.000000)">
                        <polygon class="Shape"  points="106 0 168 47 172 104 121 94 40 169 14 127 31 87 0 70 39 26"></polygon>
                    <g id="Çukurca" transform="translate(0.000000, 143.000000)">
                        <polygon class="Shape"  points="190 47 163 76 70 72 20 51 0 24 10 0 58 33 173 26"></polygon>
<g transform="translate(4607.000000, 1335.000000)" data-transform-left="-521.5" data-transform-top="-87"> 
  <use id="A" xlink:href="#Hakkari" />
  <use id="B" xlink:href="#Hakkari"  />
  <g id="Hakkari_text">
    <g id="MER" transform="translate(85.000000, 98.000000)" >
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">MER</tspan>
    <g id="YÜK" transform="translate(243.000000, 86.000000)" >
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">YÜK</tspan>
    <g id="ŞEM" transform="translate(325.000000, 169.000000)" >
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">ŞEM</tspan>
    <g id="ÇUK" transform="translate(104.000000, 193.000000)">
                                <tspan x="0" y="6">ÇUK</tspan>


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