Tips for altering the appearance of a button:

Upon clicking the subscribe button and successfully subscribing, I want to display an unsubscribe option in my code. To achieve this, I have created two separate divs for each button, thinking that we could toggle between them.

<div id ="subscribe_everything">
{if !$userquery->is_subscribed($u.userid)}
<a onclick="subscriber('{$u.userid}','subscribe_user','subscribe_result_cont')" class="yt-uix-subscription-button yt-can-buffer yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-subscribe-branded yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-has-icon" title="Subscribe To {$u.username}" >
<span class="subscribe-label" aria-label="Subscribe">
<div id ="unsubscribe_everything">
<button class="yt-uix-subscription-button yt-can-buffer yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-subscribed-branded yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-has-icon" onclick="subscriber('{$u.userid}','unsubscribe_user','subscribe_result_cont')" type="button" aria-role="button" aria-busy="false" >
<span class="subscribed-label" aria-label="Unsubscribe">
<span class="unsubscribe-label" aria-label="Unsubscribe">

Essentially, I aim to switch the ID of the div from subscribe_everything to unsubscribe_everything when the user clicks on subscribe (or vice versa). The function called by onclick is as follows:

function subscriber(user,type,result_cont)
            mode : type,
            subscribe_to : user
                alert("No data");

I suspect that we may need to utilize jQuery's toggle function to switch the IDs, but I am unsure where and how to implement it. I also seek a quick solution, as I want to keep the user experience smooth without delays when toggling the div.

Answer №1

To accomplish this task, you can utilize an if/else statement along with the jQuery .attr() method. One approach involves targeting the parent of the link, but a more efficient method is to: assign a class to the div element containing the specific id (e.g., subscribe-button).

The following code demonstrates how to achieve this using classes:

if ($('.subscribe-button').attr('id') == 'subscribe_everything') {
    $('.subscribe-button').attr('id', 'unsubscribe_everything');
} else {
    $('.subscribe-button').attr('id', 'subscribe_everything');

If you prefer working with classNames, you can follow this pattern:

if ($('#subscribe_everything').hasClass('subscribed')) {
} else {

Alternatively, you can utilize the toggleClass method as suggested by user3895968:


This approach allows you to easily toggle the presence of the specified class without adding or removing it manually from the div element.

Answer №2

Switching the identifier may not provide a lasting solution.

Consider implementing the toggleClass method to alter the class attribute upon click event.

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