Using Sass to create dynamic variables with other variables

Is it possible to reference variables based on the value of another variable? This functionality exists in languages like PHP.

For example, in Sass:

I have variables $green, $blue, and $yellow being included from a partial. I want to dynamically set the border-color using these variables while looping through a list of color names:

$colors = green, yellow, blue; 

@each $c in $colors {
&.#{$c} {
    border-color: $#{$c};

The above code should ideally generate classes for .green, .yellow, and .blue with corresponding border-color properties. However, this code does not work as intended. Are there alternative methods to achieve this in Sass/Compass?

Answer №1

It seems like this is a replication of the following discussion: utilizing hash with scss (which I've been observing and contributing to for quite some time now)

Leo mentions that you can attempt to find a workaround for this issue -- however, variable variables in PHP-style are not currently supported by the language.

Answer №2

Update: I reached out to @nex3, the main developer behind Sass

During a discussion in the google groups (linked below), he expressed that variable-interpolation is not aligned with Sass's original intent of abstraction. When I asked for his current stance on this topic from the past discussion, here's what he had to say:

yes, especially since we're adding maps in Sass 3.3, which will support most use cases of variable interpolation anyway

It appears that Sass 3.3 will introduce support for this through a feature known as maps. However, there doesn't seem to be any documentation available yet. If you come across any relevant links, please do share them

This kind of meta programming is presently not supported in Sass!topic/sass-lang/upr78cyrW1I

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