automatically collapse a submenu once a different menu option is selected

After doing some research and trying out various solutions, I still couldn't get it to work. I made adjustments to my dropdown menu and click function so that each submenu opens and closes when its parent is clicked. However, I'm now looking to figure out how to close an open submenu when a different menu is clicked, as currently they all stack up on the menu bar. Any guidance on how I can achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.

I am working with next js.

      className={ classNames(classes.root, {
        [classes.rootActive]: active ,
        [classes.rootExpanded]: isMenuShrunk,
      onClick={event => handleClick(event, menuItem) }

        {menuItem.iconSrc && <div className={classNames(classes.icon, {
            [classes.icon]: isMenuShrunk
          })} > <SVG src={menuItem.iconSrc}/></div>}
          className={classNames(classes.label, {
            [classes.hideLabel]: !isMenuShrunk
      {menuItem.children && (
         className={classNames({[classes.popper]: open && isMenuShrunk,})}
              { => (
                  className={classNames({[classes.subColor]:!color , [classes.subMenuLabel]:open||!open,
                  onClick={event => handleClickSubMenu(event, subMenuItem)}

Answer №1

Potential Solutions

Option 1

To enhance functionality, consider converting the open state from boolean to string format, moving it to the root level, and storing the opened menu id within it. Adjust the open condition as follows: open==='menuId'. This modification allows for displaying only one active menu at a time.

Option 2

An alternative approach is to utilize the context API to envelop the entire menu, granting control over the state directly from the context.

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