Using Roboto Typeface in Cascading Style Sheets

I am currently working on implementing the "Roboto" font in my Prestashop website. The design files I received are in .psd format, and the graphic designer used fonts "Roboto Medium" and "Roboto Regular". To clarify, if I want to use Roboto Normal, can I simply apply the following CSS:

font-family: "Roboto";
font-weight: 400;

And if I wish to use Roboto Medium, should I use:

font-family: "Roboto";
font-weight: 500;

In simple terms, are font weights 400 and 500 equivalent to Roboto Normal and Roboto Medium?

Answer №1

Ensure that your CSS rules are properly closed.

font-family: "Roboto";
font-weight: 400;

Affirmative, your font weights are accurate.

font-weight: 400; //normal
font-weight: 500; //medium
font-weight: 700; //bold

We recommend reading this article on the usage of font-weight, as it may not always function as expected depending on the font. However, based on information from Google Fonts, you should have no issues using these weights.

Answer №2

Initially, I found this a bit confusing as well.

A client had specific font requirements outlined in their style guide, which included using "Roboto", "Roboto Medium", "Roboto Light", and so on.

While browsing Google's font site ( ), I noticed they display the "Roboto" font along with variations like "Medium," "Light," and others.

However, it wasn't immediately clear that this involved two CSS settings. At first, I thought it could be done like this:

* {font-family: 'Roboto Light', 'Roboto Medium', 'Roboto', etc}

But after some experimentation and research, I learned that it actually requires two settings: one to specify the core "family" and another for the variation or "weight," as shown here:

.Roboto{font-family:'Roboto';font-weight:400;} /* 400 is industry standard for normal */

.RobotoLight{font-familiy:'Roboto';font-weight:300;} /* 300 is industry standard for normal */

.RobotoMedium{font-family:'Roboto';font-weight:500;} /* 500 is industry standard for normal */

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