``Why Ionic 3 Popover Sizes Should Adapt to Different Screen

Currently in my Ionic 3 project, I am utilizing a popover with a set height using the following code snippet:

     let popover = this.editOptyPopup.create(EditOptyPopoverComponent, rw, { cssClass: 'edit-opty-popover'});


The corresponding CSS looks like this:

.edit-opty-popover .popover-content{
        width: 1400px;

However, the limitation of the fixed width is evident. Ideally, I would like the popup width to be slightly smaller than the width of the screen it appears on.

Answer №1

Experiment using the % symbol in this instance.

.customize-options-popover .popover-content{
        maximum width: 90%;

Answer №2

Take into account the options below:

width:calc(100vw - 10px) 


width:calc(100% - 10px) 

Choose according to your requirements.

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