Issue with the Navigation in CSS and jQuery

I'm struggling to understand a problem with the desktop navigation on this website, specifically in Safari on certain pages. The issue seems to only occur on Safari for Windows, Mac Desktop, and Mac Laptop.

Interestingly, the navigation works perfectly on the About Page in Safari. However, it is only partially functional on the Index and Philosophy pages.

In my testing, removing the video background from the Index page seems to resolve the issue there. But strangely, the Philosophy page encounters navigation problems even without a video background. The Navigation gets stuck in a hover state and stops responding to mouse events, while the rest of the page remains interactive.

If any Mac users are willing to take a look at the code using Dev Tools, I would greatly appreciate it! I've exhausted all my options and am at a loss for what to do next.

Answer №1

Perhaps experimenting with setting your header position to absolute could resolve the issue. It's possible that the background may have a stronger influence when interacted with...

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