Using jQuery, how can I dynamically change the stacking order of an element when clicked?

I'm struggling to change the z-Index on button click. I have a static image and a dynamic div, and I want to send the #imgDiv1 behind the static image. Unfortunately, despite trying everything, I haven't been able to achieve this.

You can check out the live demo here: My goal is to implement this concept in my web application.

Here is the structure of my HTML:

<div id="safeZone">
    <img src="default.png" />

    <div id="imgDiv1">
         <img src="myPic.jpg" />


<input id="back" type="button" value="Send To Back"/>
<input id="front" type="button" value="Bring To Front"/>

And here is the jQuery code:





Answer №1

The CSS property z-index will only have an effect on elements that are not using position: static. Therefore, you must set the position property before the z-index can take effect.

Here is some example HTML:

<button id="up">Up</button><button id="down">Down</button>
<div id="container">
    <img id="img1" src="">
    <img src="">

And the accompanying CSS:

#container img {position: absolute;}
#container {height: 200px; width: 300px;}

JavaScript code snippet:

     $("#img1").css("z-index", -10);


You can see a working demo at this link:

Edit - Responding to your additional edit:

In order to achieve the desired effect, the snowflake image should have transparency within the snowflake shape to allow the background image to show through. This means it should not be in JPG format, but rather GIF or PNG would be suitable options.

Answer №2

Opting for opacity over z-index seemed to do the trick for me... did you find it helpful?

 $("#img1").css("opacity", 0.0);
$("#img2").css("opacity", 1.0);

$("#img1").css("opacity", 1.0);

If you need more clarity, I've included a link to the js fiddle: Hopefully this sheds some light on things.

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