What is the best way to have dual backgrounds displayed on a single webpage?

Looking to recreate the background design featured on this website: www.zucoffee.com. Does anyone have any tips?

In addition, I'm curious about how to achieve that curved separation effect. I understand it involves two divs, but how did they manage to create a curved border?

Answer №1

The unique shape at the top of the page is achieved by using a purple overlay on the header image, creating a curved separation effect. You can view the actual file here.

This technique is commonly used to have a background that covers the entire page, with a separate background specifically for the header and/or footer. Depending on the website's style, this may involve incorporating interesting design separations, such as utilizing .png files to create a faded transition between the header/footer and main background.

There are various methods to accomplish this effect, and different approaches may be preferred by others. In the example site provided, they utilized the background property in their CSS for both the body and header elements to apply the images. An excerpt from their CSS file shows:

body { 
  background:#4b1259 url(images/tile-bg.gif) repeat-x;
  font:16px/22px Georgia;
.header-bg { //this is where i found them adding the header image.
  background:url(images/header-bg.gif) no-repeat center top;

Answer №2

Division elements, commonly referred to as divs, are block level components that have a rectangular or square shape.

By examining the element header-bg on the specified page using either Chromes Developer tools or Firebug in Firefox, you will notice that it utilizes CSS to implement a background image with a visually appealing curved lower edge. The image file used is header-bg.gif.

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