Adjust the border color of the <input> element when it is clicked on

I'm currently working on a login screen for my next.js application and I've encountered an issue where the border color changes to a mixture of white and blue when I select an input field.

I attempted to resolve this problem by using the following code snippet:

.input:focus {
  border: 5px solid #f23;

However, instead of changing the border color, it produced unexpected results:

Can anyone advise me on how to successfully change the border color?

<input type="text" className={styles.input} style={{ marginBottom: 10 }} autoComplete="off" autoCorrect="off" autoCapitalize="off" aria-required="true" spellCheck="false" placeholder="Email" ></input>

Answer №1

It seems that the element you're observing is probably an outline:

You can either remove the outline using outline: none; and utilize the border property, or customize the outline like this:

.input:focus {
  outline: 5px solid #f23;

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