Using HTML to load an image is not possible, as it can only be done using CSS

I am currently dealing with a CSS issue in my project. Here is the code snippet from my stylesheet:

  background: url('../assets/Trump.png');

Now, let's take a look at the corresponding HTML code:

<div class="Img">

However, when I try to modify it like this:

<div class="Img" style="background: url('../assets/Trump.png');">

The image fails to load and an error occurs:

>GET http://localhost:8080/assets/Trump.png 404 (Not Found)

My current setup involves using vue.js 2.0 and webpack for this project.

Answer №1

The issue at hand revolves around relative paths.

Consider the following directory structure:


Let's say inside your page.html file, you have a <link> tag to your css file located in static/css/file.css. In this scenario, calling ../assets/Trump.png within that css file will correctly navigate to the intended location (because starting from the /css directory, going one level up leads us to the static directory, and then into the assets directory).

However, if we are in the root directory (where page.html is situated), which is also our base directory, attempting to access

../assets/Trump.png</code will result in a path of <code>/assets/Trump.png
(which does not exist on our server. The correct path should be /static/assets/Trump.png).

It's essential to review the layout of your directories and ensure the proper use of relative paths.

Answer №2

Do away with the apostrophes within the url() function as they are not necessary

<div class="BackgroundImage" style="background: url(../images/Sunset.jpg);">

Answer №3

Make sure to update your image link in the following way

<div class="Pic" style="background-image: url('images/Biden.png');">

When setting the background property in your CSS, the URL should point to the correct location with the assets folder in the parent directory. However, for inline styles within an HTML file, both the assets folder and the HTML file should be in the same directory to avoid any errors.

Answer №4

Make sure to verify your image path, as it could be the root of the problem. Take a look at this resource for more information: CSS background image URL path

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