Issues with rendering HTML5 drag and drop styles are not visible on a Windows Server 2003 platform

I am currently developing a file upload tool utilizing Valum's Ajax-Uploader as the foundation. The concept is reminiscent of how attaching files works in Gmail. Users should be able to simply drag and drop a file from their desktop into the browser window, specifically onto the designated upload area, for it to start uploading. This functionality performs flawlessly in browsers that support this feature, such as Firefox 3.6+ and Chrome 7+.

However, I have encountered an issue concerning the styles that need to be updated when a user:

  1. Drags the file anywhere within the browser
  2. Drags the file into the upload zone

I have conducted tests using the same browser versions on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7, where the correct styles are indeed updated. However, in Windows Server 2003, this does not occur.

When examining the div element that should be updated using Firebug in Windows Server 2003, the classes "drop-area" and "drop-area-active" are applied correctly. Even Firebug displays the accurate style declarations, yet the changes remain invisible.

The only distinction I have been able to identify between Firefox and Chrome lies in the fact that in Chrome, the "drop-area-active" style briefly flashes once a user drops the file.

Although I cannot be entirely certain that this problem is exclusive to Windows 2003, it is the only operating system in which I have replicated the bug.

Answer №1


For those using Windows 2003, give the Gmail drag-and-drop feature a try. I've noticed that the different styles show up on other operating systems, but not on Win2k3.

Further Update:

I'm still encountering this issue in multiple instances. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've reported it as a bug to the Chromium Project. You can view the issue here:

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