Other options besides re-flowing and repainting

After doing some research on various platforms like Stack Overflow, I've come across information stating that re-paints and re-flows can be quite taxing on a browser's resources.

I am interested in learning about alternative CSS/JS techniques to avoid the need for computationally demanding tasks such as re-paints using display:none or re-flows using visibility:hidden.

To clarify further, in a typical re-flow situation, when you toggle the display of an element by setting it to display:none, the browser initially displays everything beneath it as visible content before having to re-flow it all because the dropdown menu needs to be hidden.

If anyone has insights on whether the impact of re-flow and re-paint on performance is something worth considering, feel free to share your thoughts.

Answer №1

It seems like there may have been a misunderstanding with that statement.

When it comes to dynamically generating elements, there are a couple of different approaches to consider:

  1. One option is to generate an element and immediately add it to the DOM in succession.
  2. Alternatively, you could create a DOMDocumentFragment first, add all the elements to the fragment, and then insert the fragment into the DOM once complete.

The first method involves a re-paint for each individual element added, whereas the second method only triggers one repaint at the end. If you have a small number of elements to add, method 1 may suffice. However, if you're dealing with a large number of nodes, method 2 will likely offer significantly faster performance.

This concept illustrates why re-paints are considered costly.

Think of it this way:

Let's say a re-paint has a base cost of 100 units. Creating a DOM element and appending it costs just 1 unit. If you use method 1 with 7 elements, your total cost would be (1 + 100) * 7 = 707 units. On the other hand, with method 2, the cost would simply be 1 * 7 + 100 = 107 units - much more efficient. While these numbers are simplified examples, they effectively highlight the key difference in re-paint performance between the two methods.

Answer №2

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to handling reflows and repaints in web browsers. Each browser has its own methods for managing these processes, with a goal of minimizing reflows due to their costly nature.

It's important to remember that certain actions will always trigger a reflow, such as modifying the DOM tree by adding, removing, or moving nodes, changing calculated CSS properties like offsetWidth, and accessing computed CSS values using functions like getComputedStyle.

To learn more about when reflows occur in a DOM environment, visit this helpful resource.

Although setting styles can often lead to a reflow, modern browsers are designed to minimize this impact if the changes don't affect other elements' layouts or dimensions[source needed].

For an entertaining exploration of reflows, check out the article "Will it reflow?" at this link.

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