Using HTML and CSS to Position Text Within an Image

Is there a way to position an image next to specific points on the screen so that it remains in the same place regardless of screen size?

Here is what I am trying to achieve:

Using HTML, this is my desired setup:

<img alt="star" src="star.png" />

Can anyone help me with achieving this?

Answer №1

  1. HTML Structure:
<div id="main-wrapper">
  <div class="content-container center-align">
    <p>Sample Text</p>
  <div class="content-container">
    <p class="text paragraph-side">Sample Text</p>
    <img id="image" alt="star" src="" />
    <p class="text paragraph-side">Sample Text</p>
  <div class="content-container space-between-layout">
    <p class="text bottom-left-paragraph">Sample Text</p>
    <p class="text bottom-right-paragraph">Sample Text</p>
  1. CSS Styling:
#main-wrapper {
  width: 350px;

#image {
  width: 300px

.content-container {
  width: 100%;
  display: flex

.center-align {
  justify-content: center

.space-between-layout {
  justify-content: space-between

.text {
  position: relative;

.paragraph-side  {
  top: 95px

.bottom-left-paragraph {
  left: 50px

.bottom-right-paragraph {
  right: 50px
  1. CodePen Demo:

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