I have put together these JavaScript functions to hide the delivery address fields on my shopping cart address form if the goods are being sent to the billing address. The functions control the visibility of the HTML wrapped by...
function getItem(id) {
var itm = false;
itm = document.getElementById(id);
else if(document.all)
itm = document.all[id];
else if(document.layers)
itm = document.layers[id];
return itm;
function showHideItem(id) {
itm = getItem(id);
return false;
if(itm.style.display == 'none')
itm.style.display = '';
itm.style.display = 'none';
return false;
It functions correctly when loading a new address form, but I encounter an issue if the form is submitted with the checkbox checked and validation fails. When the form reloads with the checkbox still checked, unfortunately, the fields remain visible, so unchecking the checkbox hides the fields!
<tr><td class="white"><strong>Delivery Address</strong></td>
<td>Tick <input Type="checkbox" id="deliver_same" value="yes" onClick="showHideItem('delAddress')" />
If delivery address is billing address</td></tr>
<tbody id="delAddress">
<tr><td>Address line 1</td><td><input class="text" name="saddr1" value="" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Post /Zip Code</td><td><input class="text" name="spostalcode" value="" /></td></tr>
I believe what I require is an onload event that hides the fields if the checkbox is checked when the form loads. After writing that, I might attempt it myself but am not entirely confident. Please refrain from mentioning jQuery as it is not an option at this stage of the project.