Is `html.fa-events-icons-ready` causing clutter and disrupting the layout of the body?

I am seeking some clarification on my code and the resulting issues it is causing. Check out this image for reference:

  • Why is the body height not taking up 100% of the space? The background image appears to be affected as a result. Could it be due to the presence of the element html.fa-events-icons-ready?

  • What would be the optimal initial CSS setup for the html and body elements? I came across this minimalist template, do you think it is suitable for simple pages or apps?

    html,body {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

For the complete code, take a look at this link: full code

Answer №1

Setting height to 100% can be tricky, sometimes it needs to be applied to the html tag. The wrapper's margin was causing the background to extend beyond the window's height.

To fix this issue, update your CSS like so:

body {
  height: 100%;

.wrapper {
  padding: 50px;
  margin: auto;

If you're interested in understanding how height works, check out this helpful answer: height: 100% not working

You can also try using the vh unit instead of height: 100%. For example, height: 100vh does not require setting the height on the parent element.

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