Using HTML and CSS to create a line break between div elements

Currently, I am working on a page that allows users to post comments. However, I have encountered an issue with the div element that contains the posted message. When the message is too long and lacks line breaks, a horizontal scrollbar appears. I would like the text to automatically wrap to the next line, similar to the comments on this website.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

I am using Chrome as my browser and ASP.NET as the server language.

This is how I create the div:

Response.Write("<tr><td><div class=""target-div"">" & reader("commento").Replace(vbCrLf,"br/>") & "</div></td></tr>")

Answer №1

In my opinion,

.target-div {

The pre-wrap property not only retains user formatting (such as multiple white-spaces) but also wraps when needed

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