What is the best way to eliminate excessive margin-bottom on a floating image?

Is it possible to maintain the same margin at the right and bottom of an image when using <img> inside

<p><img style="float:left">dummy text dummy text dummy text dummy text</p>

Answer №1

To eliminate extra space at the bottom of an image, apply the CSS property vertical-align: bottom;

Answer №2

Issue with Image Height

It appears that the height of your image is extending beyond the line-height by exactly 5 pixels, resulting in extra space.

One solution could be to apply a negative bottom margin specifically to the image, although this may cause the text to become too close to it. The negative margin should match the excess pixels (in this case, 5px).

Using Container DIVs

Alternatively, you can enclose your images within container DIVs that have specific heights based on multiples of the line-height. Ensure to add overflow: hidden; to these DIVs and consider setting font-size and line-height units to points (pt) for better control over their values.

Answer №3

Here is a proposed solution:

    float: left;
    margin: 0 20px 20px 0;
    background-color: #CCC;

    clear: left;
    margin: 0px;

<p><img height="100" width="100" />dummy text dummy text dummy text dummy text</p>
<p>here some text</p>

To clear the floating, you can apply "clear: left;" to any tag after the "p". However, another solution that resolves the containment issue of the "p" tag is:

    float: left;
    margin: 0 20px 20px 0;
    background-color: #CCC;
    margin: 0px;

    clear: left;

    width: 300px;
    border: 1px solid #CCC;

<div id="container">
    <img height="100" width="100" />
    <p>dummy text dummy text dummy text dummy text</p>
    <div  class="clearer"></div>
<p>here some text</p>

NOTE: In the scenario provided, even in your example (where you can eliminate the "clear: left" on the "p" tag and cannot use the second method suggested), my recommendation remains unchanged. The behavior of the "p" and "img" tags is typical in this example.

If you set the paragraph's line-height to 20px (with a font size < 20px) and the img's margins (bottom and right) to 20px while the height is a multiple of 20, the line at the bottom of the img will break to the right if there isn't enough space below the image. This is due to the lack of sufficient room for a line of 20px height.

You have the option to reduce the margin value to less than 20px or decrease the line-height to address this issue.

Answer №4

Upon reviewing the page, it appears that the issue is not related to margins but rather the lack of space for the font to move to the next line.

Adjusting the font size may have an impact on the margin, causing it to either decrease or increase intermittently.

Answer №5

The reason for this is that the content is inline. To maintain the inline format but eliminate spacing, simply include:

line-height: 0;

Answer №6


The reason for this behavior is that images have a display property of inline, causing them to align on the baseline like text with some space below for descenders.

To resolve this issue, change the display property of the image to block.

Answer №7

When faced with the same issue, I found a solution by enclosing the <img>-tag within a <div> element and setting the line-height property to 0.

You can check out an example on jsfiddle.net here.
You'll notice that there is no gap between the image and the <hr> below it.

However, please note that this method may not be suitable if you need to place the image in the middle of text. In such cases, the image will be placed on its own line, with the text before it appearing on the previous line and the text after it showing on the next line, as demonstrated here.

Answer №8



p img {
   padding: 0px;

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