How to ensure MUI DataGrid fills the vertical space without any overflow issues

Trying to implement a MUI DataGrid within a Flexbox layout that fills the remaining space precisely can be quite challenging. Imagine a setup like this:

| Header                  |
| Table Header           ^|
| Row                    ||
| Row                    ⌄|
|            Total Rows: 9|
| Fixed Footer            |

The goal is to keep the footer consistently at the bottom of the window while ensuring that the DataGrid occupies the area between the header and footer regardless of the number of rows.

While there are ways to achieve this with fixed heights or resizing calculations on element, they might not be the most efficient solutions in terms of scalability and responsiveness.

Exploring alternative methods beyond using Flexbox could lead to a more optimal solution for achieving the desired layout without the need for complex height calculations.

If you have any suggestions or recommendations for a better approach than Flexbox, they would be greatly appreciated!


Answer №1

I discovered a new technique. I decided to nest the DataGrid within a div, setting its style to position: relative;. Then, I specified the DataGrid to have: position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%;

From there on, I controlled the DataGrid through the dimensions of this div.

Here's an example:

<div style={{ position: 'relative', width: '500px', height: '300px' }}>
        style={{ position: 'absolute', height: '100%', width: '100%' }}

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