Using Flexbox for dynamic-height items with column wrapping

Struggling to create a dynamic layout that adapts differently for mobile and desktop devices? The goal is to have items sorted based on screen size, with the layout changing accordingly.

Check out the main objective below, with a mobile layout on the left and a desktop layout on the right:

The content in the blue, purple, and yellow divs may vary, allowing for adjustable heights. On desktop, the purple and yellow blocks should always be positioned next to the gray + blue block.

Currently, the layout works well with only 3 columns, but the dynamic height is duplicated across all columns. See the issue here: Bootstrap 4: sidebar between columns on mobile. Columns under each other layout

Explore some desktop variations for more possibilities:

I've tried using floats, but the columns end up aligning on top of each other. I've also experimented with a static max-height for the parent container and column wrap, but I prefer to avoid a fixed height as the content should be dynamic.

My goal is to achieve this without relying on glitchy JavaScript or unsupported grid-CSS solutions.

Share your ideas and suggestions - looking forward to hearing from you! Cheers.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, you can utilize a combination of CSS columns (instead of CSS grid) for "desktop" and flexbox for "mobile".

<div class="container">
    <div class="d-flex d-md-columns flex-column min-vh-100">
        <div class="d-md-inline-block light order-0">
        <div class="d-md-inline-block blue order-2">
        <div class="d-md-inline-block purple order-1">
        <div class="d-md-inline-block yellow order-3">

For the larger (md) desktop widths, include a media query to adjust the columns layout. On mobile, the flexbox ordering will take effect.

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    .d-md-columns {
        display: inline-block !important;
        column-count: 2;
        -webkit-column-gap: 0;
        -moz-column-gap: 0;
        column-gap: 0;

This method is tailored for a 4 column layout. Keep in mind that flexbox columns do not seamlessly align vertically like a "masonry" layout: Is it possible for flex items to align tightly to the items above them?

Answer №2

It seems like finding a pure CSS solution for this layout challenge is quite tricky without resorting to CSS-grid or display:contents. I've tested various CSS methods like float and column flexbox, but they don't quite work in this specific case.

Column flexbox struggles to properly wrap an item when dealing with variable height content, while float alone can't achieve a masonry layout effect. Even Bootstrap's card-columns won't solve the problem because the main goal is to align the left and right columns equally in height.

While I understand the desire to avoid buggy JavaScript, sometimes it's necessary to achieve the desired layout. That's why I'm sharing a jQuery solution that doesn't rely on adding a d-none class to prevent duplication issues and SEO problems.

Considering that you're already using Bootstrap, a framework that heavily incorporates jQuery, seeking a bit of jQuery assistance shouldn't be a major concern. Here's the solution I propose:

function move(){
    if($(".main .col-lg-8").css('display')=='block'){
    } else {


This function moves the purple div to the second position when .col-lg-8 is displayed with block visibility.

Here's the complete code in action:

function move(){
  if($(".main .col-lg-8").css('display')=='block'){
  } else {

  background-color: gray;

  background-color: blue;

  background-color: purple;

  background-color: yellow;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<div class="container mt-5">
  <div class="row main">
      <div class="col-lg-4 d-lg-flex flex-lg-column">
        <div class="gray mb-4">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sodales finibus faucibus. Morbi blandit neque a diam laoreet pellentesque. Vivamus in orci sed turpis posuere iaculis quis sed augue. Curabitur lorem magna, bibendum vitae vestibulum nec faucibus. Morbi blandit neque a diam laoreet pellentesque. Vivamus in orci sed turpis posuere iaculis quis sed augue. Curabitur lorem magna, bibendum vitae vestibulum nec, feugiat eget justo. Ut aliquam quis velit non euismod. Ut vehicula, sem quis cursus pretium, purus libero tincidunt eros, vitae hendrerit nisi mi vitae erat. Curabitur augue purus, sagittis tempor volutpat quis, congue sed mi. Sed gravida odio sed orci iaculis tincidunt. Etiam ac mauris sit amet turpis consequat fermentum ut vitae sem. Aliquam tincidunt convallis sem.</div> 
        <div class="blue flex-fill mb-4 mb-lg-0">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.Quisque sodales finibus </div>
      <div class="col-lg-8 d-lg-flex flex-lg-column">
        <div class="purple mb-4">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. faucibus. Morbi blandit neque a diam laoreet pellentesque. Vivamus in orci sed turpis posuere iaculis quis sed augue. Curabitur lorem magna, bibendum vitae vestibulum nec, feugiat eget justo. Ut aliquam quis velit non euismod. Ut vehicula, sem quis cursus pretium, purus libero tincidunt eros, vitae hendrerit nisi mi vitae erat. Curabitur augue purus, sagittis tempor volutpat quis, congue sed mi. Sed gravida odio sed orci iaculis tincidunt. Etiam ac mauris sit amet turpis consequat fermentum ut vitae sem. Aliquam tincidunt convallis sem. </div>
        <div class="yellow flex-fill">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</div>

If you're still looking for a purely CSS solution, this might be a viable approach.

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