In-line divs are known for their rebellious nature, refusing to conform to traditional

I'm in need of some assistance with taming my unruly HTML. It seems to be misbehaving lately.

The content area on the page I'm currently designing has a two-column layout. Instead of using separate containing divs for each column, I opted for a different approach to ensure proper alignment of certain "rows" within the columns.

My solution involves creating multiple "rows" with two inline divs per row - one for left content and one for right. Most of them are displaying correctly, but there seems to be an issue with the last row. It refuses to cooperate when I try to set its width.

Here's a sneak peek at the relevant HTML:

<div id="mainContainer">
    <div id="topBar"></div>  //occupies full width
    <div id="featured">                        //this "row" is working fine
        <div id="featuredVideos"></div>            //these two
        <div id="featuredLiterature"></div>        //are displayed inline
    <div id="browseButtons">                   //the problematic "row"
        <div id="litBrowse"></div>                 //these two
        <div id="vidBrowse"></div>                 //are displayed inline

At this point, what factors could lead to a div refusing to adhere to a specified width? Despite assigning a uniform width of 450px to every child div inside litbrowse and vidbrowse1, the issue persists. Surprisingly, all the content above it, with similar structure, is functioning properly. The only discernible dissimilarity might be the use of two floating divs in the row directly above the troublesome one.

For a better understanding, you can view a jsfiddle demonstrating the problem. The bottom two divs (Browse lit by category, browse vids by category) should be spaced apart, but they stubbornly refuse to adopt their designated 450px width.

Answer №1

The issue lies in how you are defining the .browseBtn as inline. Inline elements do not have width properties, only block level elements do.

Instead, using inline-block will achieve the desired result. It maintains an inline layout to display divs side by side while also allowing for width specification.

For more information, refer to

Answer №2

ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE - After reviewing responses, it has been suggested to use display: inline-block instead of display: inline. Keep in mind that inline-block is not fully compatible with IE7. However, compatibility can be achieved by adding

*display: inline;

to the element utilizing inline-block. To make it compatible with IE6 as well, a specified height must be included. Add

_height: [yourheight]px;

The underscore will specifically target IE6.

Another solution is floating the elements left, which may require revisiting the initial response provided.

UPDATED NOTE - My initial response was submitted prior to viewing the linked jsFiddle; therefore, this response may not be entirely relevant.

In regards to your inquiry, when an element is floated, it is removed from its standard placement within the layout. For example, if a div is floated left inside another div, it will align to the far left of that container without influencing the dimensions of the container itself. This causes the container to act as if there are no additional divs nested inside.

To resolve this issue, consider inserting another (empty) div within the container after the floated divs, and assign the style "clear: both" to ensure proper alignment and sizing. Alternatively, applying the style "overflow: hidden" directly to the container can sometimes serve as a workaround, although it is considered a less conventional approach.

We hope these suggestions address your concerns; if not, further details may be necessary for a more tailored resolution.

Answer №3

While your div is present, the display property has been set to inline using the .browseBtn definition. This means it no longer functions as a block-element and ignores the width setting.

If you'd like to see the corrected version, check out this updated fiddle, although there may be unintended consequences.

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