Turning off the ability to horizontally scroll in an iframe using touch controls

I am trying to disable horizontal scrolling in an iframe on my website, particularly when a user uses touch input and drags horizontally. The scroll bars can still be visible and draggable when touched directly. Unfortunately, I do not have control over the content displayed in the iframe.

After researching online, I found that it is challenging or perhaps impossible to achieve this. I attempted:

  • Setting scrolling=no as an attribute for the iframe (which disables both scrollbars)
  • Adding overflow-x: hidden as a style to the iframe (but it had no effect)

I will primarily be using touch controls on a large display to interact with this iframe, so it is acceptable if the solution only works for touch inputs. Is there a way to manually override touch events to detect horizontal scrolling attempts in the iframe? This implementation only needs to function on the latest version of Chrome.

Answer №1

Without a direct link, it may prove challenging to confirm, but I recommend exploring the CSS property pointer-events: none; or any alternative pointer-event solutions.

Answer №2

There is a potential option to deactivate certain touch events one by one; however, halting scrolling in an iframe along just one axis necessitates implementing workarounds since the scrolling=no attribute has been phased out in HTML5.

An effective approach would be to limit the width of the iframe to no more than the width of the source page.

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