Using @extend with numeric classes in Bootstrap 5: A step-by-step guide

I am looking to migrate some classes from Bootstrap 4 to 5 because some of the Bootstrap classes are no longer usable, especially in utilities. I am using SASS so I can utilize @extend for this process.

For classes .text-left and .text-right, extending them is straightforward:

.text-left {
  @extend .text-start;

.text-right {
  @extend .text-end;

However, when it comes to classes like (.ml- and .mr-) or (.pl- and .pr-), I am unsure how to efficiently extend them without having to input each one individually (e.g., .ml-1, .ml-2). Is there a way to extend them all at once instead of multiple individual extends?

Answer №2

You have the option to use BS5 API for altering utilities class names:

$utilities: (
  "margin-end": (
    responsive: true,
    property: margin-right,
    // Changing BS5 me-* classes to mr-*
    class: mr,
    values: map-merge($spacers, (auto: auto))
  "margin-start": (
    responsive: true,
    property: margin-left,
    // Transforming BS5 ms-* classes to ml-*
    class: ml,
    values: map-merge($spacers, (auto: auto))
  // ...other utilities

Include your custom $utilities above the import of BS5 utilities file (@import "~bootstrap/scss/utilities") to apply these updates;

This approach eliminates the need to add new BS5 classes in your code.

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