"Encountered an error while trying to access properties that

Struggling to create a practice menu with the functionality of making elements appear and disappear on click? If you are encountering issues with a class named "option" not working as expected, you are not alone. Clicking on nested objects like images or icons might throw errors related to undefined properties. Despite logging the outerHTML of the clicked object successfully, adding a class becomes problematic. As a beginner in web development, any guidance, even if it only points me in the right direction, is greatly appreciated:)

let counter = 0;
const icon = document.querySelector('.dropdown-arrow');
const allIcon = document.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-arrow');
const options = document.querySelectorAll(".option");
const foodItem = document.querySelectorAll('.food-item')
const optionContainer = document.querySelectorAll('.option-container');

options.forEach(function(option) {
  option.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
    let element = event.target;
    let currentArrow = element.getElementsByTagName('ion-icon')[0];
    if (counter == 0) {

        foodItem.forEach(function(food) {
    } else {
        foodItem.forEach(function(food) {
.rotate-on {
  transform: rotate(-180deg);
  transition: all .3s;

.rotate-off {
  transform: rotate(0deg);
  transition: all .3s;

.hidden {
  display: none;
<section class = "section section-menu">
    <!-- Including dummy content for clarity -->

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is that your element is not behaving as expected, as it is nested within another element. One way to resolve this problem is by preventing click events on inner elements and ensuring the click event triggers on the parent element (option) instead.

.option-container {
  pointer-events: none;

Alternatively, you can verify if the click event occurs inside the option element in JavaScript:

let clickedElement = event.target;
if(clickedElement.closest('.option')) clickedElement = clickedElement.closest('.option');

Once you have identified the correct element, you can then select the closest option.

In my opinion, using the CSS solution is the preferable method.

You can experiment with both solutions in this CodePen test environment.

Answer №2

One important step is to wrap your javascript code that interacts with the DOM within a window event listener:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {

This ensures that the DOM has finished loading before your code runs, preventing any issues with empty variables like options.

Additionally, using let element = event.target; can be problematic because event.target may not always be an option element. It could actually be something like option-text or img, depending on what you click on.

To solve this, replace let element = event.target; with let element = option; since option is already captured within the closure.

Answer №3

I encountered an error message indicating that properties of undefined cannot be read.

The error message should specify which line is causing the issue, providing crucial information for troubleshooting. It is essential to carefully analyze error messages.

I believe that it is not undefined, at least I think so.

Trust in the code - if something is considered 'undefined', then it truly is. The perceived behavior may not always align with the actual value (such as with currentArrow).

Instead of making assumptions about the value, it's better to directly check by using console.log(currentArrow). If currentArrow is not undefined, the error may be caused by other factors.

Answer №4

If you console.log the variable

currentArrow = element.querySelector('ion-icon');
outside of the conditional statement, you will notice that it returns as UNDEFINED. It is advised to eliminate the usage of ".querySelector('ion-icon')" in order to achieve a more accurate output since 'element' does not possess that particular property.

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