Is there a way to automatically scroll vertically to a specific line in HTML?

Trying to explain this is a bit tricky. I am looking to add an element to the HTML that prompts the browser to scroll vertically to its location automatically when loaded, similar to an anchor. So:

| visible area |
| content html |
| content html |        our monitor
| content html |
| content html |
| * here comes the HTML element which will prompt the browser to scroll here

Answer №1

     $("html,body").animate({scrollTop: 200}, 1000);

This code has not been tested, please inform me if it does not function properly.

Answer №2

    var scrollElement = $('#wrapper');

    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $(scrollElement).offset().top
    }, 1000);

The "scrollElement" variable represents the HTML element that contains the content to be scrolled;

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