Using CSS to create clickable areas on an image

Here is an example image:

This image shows a desk with various elements, and I am looking for a way to make parts of the image interactive.

For example, clicking on the monitor would take you to a specific link, and clicking on the speaker would take you to a different link.

The challenge is to achieve this using only CSS and HTML without relying on JavaScript or any other tools.

Is this even possible?

Thus far, I have only come across websites offering interactive SVG maps...

I am aware that I can use:

<img src="" usemap="#menu_header" />
<map name="menu_header">
  <area coords="117,214,271,266" href="X" shape="rect" />
  <area coords="272,214,411,266" href="X" shape="rect" />
  <area coords="412,214,635,266" href="X" shape="rect" />
  <area coords="636,214,816,266" href="X" shape="rect" />

However, I would prefer to use more intricate shapes that match the actual objects like the speaker and monitor, rather than just rectangles.

Answer №1

To create custom shapes, you can utilize the poly shape derived from Polygon.


The Polygon shape requires multiple pairs of coordinates to define the vertices of the shape. These coordinates can create various polygon shapes with sloping lines. Each coordinate is represented by its horizontal and vertical positions, listed sequentially with commas. The final pair of coordinates can optionally match the first pair. Here is an example:

shape="poly" coords="217,305,218,306,218,306,228,316,243,316,243,325,229,325,229,322,217,310"

There are numerous online tools for creating image maps that can assist you in generating these shapes.

Answer №2

If you're looking to easily and quickly obtain coordinates for each polygon on a map, consider using a mapping generator tool. One such tool that I've personally used is the Imagemap-generator. All you have to do is draw the specific areas you want to link, like I did in this example:, and you'll receive the necessary code.

For instance, for a speaker, the code would look like this:

<img src="url/to/your/image.jpg" alt="" usemap="#Map" />
<map name="Map" id="Map">
    <area alt="" title="" href="#" shape="poly" coords="80,895,134,855,194,813,239,766,275,726,319,669,364,647,397,645,442,666,476,705,501,746,513,805,527,856,550,921,578,979,608,1039,604,1107,584,1144,544,1185,454,1218,285,1216,134,1151,42,1033,45,944,174,824" />

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