Ways to adjust the dimensions of a textarea based on character count

When attempting to utilize the cols and rows attributes of the <textarea> element in order to set the width and height in characters, I have encountered issues even without implementing CSS.

Take a look at this example: link

I have configured a 5x5 text area, yet I am able to type 7 characters in the first row instead of the desired 5.

The height appears to be correct as only 5 visible lines are displayed.

However, once I exceed the character limit for the visible area, a vertical scrollbar is presented, resulting in the first row containing only 4 characters.

Is there a solution to restrict it to a maximum of 5 characters? Perhaps through the use of a third-party component or by detecting when the scrollbar appears and adjusting the width accordingly?

Answer №1

If I understood correctly, you can restrict the number of characters by using the maxlength attribute.

For instance:


<textarea rows="5" cols="5" maxlength="25"></textarea>

Alternatively, you can experiment with JavaScript http://jsfiddle.net/3e3EH/1/

Answer №2

Keep your code concise.

Just a few lines are all you need


var element = document.getElementById("my_home");
element.maxLength = 10;
#my_home {
  width: 250px;
  height: auto;
  font-size: 24px;
  border: 1px solid;
<textarea id="my_home" placeholder="Enter words...."></textarea>

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