Use a jQuery selector to target an element with a numerical ID by utilizing CSS escape characters

How do I change the background color of a div with id='1' and class='std' to red using jQuery (assuming i equals 1)?

$("#" + i).css("background-color", "red");

Here is the code snippet:

           for(var i=0 ; i< info.length ; i++ ){

                var div_std ='<div id="'+i+'" class="std"> <p> Name :<b> '+info[i].nom_etud + ' </b></p> <hr><p> Abs Hours : '+info[i].hr_cours +'</p>' ;
                div_std+='<p> TPs Hours : '+info[i].hr_tp+'</p><section id="footstd"><button type="button" name="">Mark as absent</button><img src="images/abs.png"></section>'+'</div>';            

                if(info[i].col == 1)
                    $(function() {
                      $("#\\" + i.toString().charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).css("background", "red");
                else if(info[i].col == 2)
                    $(function() {
                      $("#\\" + i.toString().charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).css("background", "blue");
                else if(info[i].col == 3)
                    $(function() {
                      $("#\\" + i.toString().charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).css("background", "green");
                $(".main").append(div_std);   //Display the students name

Answer №1

When dealing with ids that have numbers or special characters at the start, it's essential to utilize CSS escapes:

$(function() {
  // #1 should be escaped as #\31
  $("#\\31").css("background", "red");
<script src=""></script>
<div id="1">div</div>

Here is a more detailed example for ids ranging from 1 to 100:

$(function() {
  var i, selector, $div;
  for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
    selector = "#\\" + i.toString().charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + " " + i.toString().substr(1);
    $div = $('<div id="' + i + '"><code>id: ' + i + ', selector: ' + selector + '</code></div>').appendTo("body");
    $(selector).css("background", "green");
<script src=""></script>

For your specific scenario, using inline styles directly to change background color would be a straightforward solution instead of employing CSS selectors:

var bgcolor = ["red", "blue", "green"][info[i].col - 1] || "transparent";
var div_std = '<div id="' + i + '" class="std" style="background-color: ' + bgcolor + '">...'

Answer №2

Like @D4V1D pointed out, accessing #1 through CSS is not possible, but with jQuery it can be done— even in a straightforward manner without using div[id=x]. Here's how:

var i = 1;

$('#' + i).css('background-color', 'red');

Give it a try yourself:

If the solution isn't working for you, chances are your jQuery wasn't loaded properly.


As per the OP's comment, they are using Jade. Therefore, try adding this just before your div:

    $(document).ready(function () {
      var i = 1;
      $('#' + i).css('background-color', 'blue');

Answer №3

IDs must not start with numbers when using CSS selectors.

Below is the correct way to achieve this:

jQuery(function($) {
    $('div[id='+i+']').css("background-color", "blue");


I made an error, #1 does not work in pure CSS but can be used in jQuery (referencing @GuilhermeOderdenge's response). Therefore, there is no requirement for using $('div[id=1]').

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