Using CSS to remove the background of a dropdown button in a <select> element

I need to style a <select> element so that it appears like plain text until clicked, revealing the pulldown choices. Ideally, I would like to include small arrows to indicate multiple options, but I can add those as image overlays if necessary.

My problem lies with customizing this element using CSS:

#FromPopup {
            background: none; <--
            border: none;  <-----
            margin-left: 8px;
            position: relative;
            cursor: pointer;
            height: 5px;
            margin-top: -10px;

While this code successfully removes the background and border, the default pulldown button still shows up, resembling the Win Classic style.

Is there a way to hide the background and border of the pulldown button?

I am specifically targeting Mozilla platforms in this case only. Thank you!

Answer №1

One solution is to typically use -moz-appearance:none, but there seems to be a bug with the arrow on select elements.

To learn more about this bug, check out the report here:

Another workaround could involve wrapping an element around your select and using :after to place an element on top of it.

<div class="select-container">
        <option>This is some option</option>
        <option>This is some option</option>
        <option>This is some option</option>
        <option>This is some option</option>
        <option>This is some option</option>
        <option>This is some option</option>

.select-container {
.select-container:after {

Check out a demo of this workaround at

Answer №2

Have you ever come across this:

How to get rid of the arrow in a select element on Firefox

It seems like your options are limited, but there are a couple of suggestions and solutions available. One workaround could be to hide the arrow using something like this:

select {
   width: 120%;

After that, you can customize it as needed.

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