How can I remove a specific JSON object from localStorage based on the data associated with the element that is currently being clicked on?

Unique Scenario

  • A user interacts with an element, triggering a change in the background image and storing data related to that element in localStorage: this process functions correctly.
  • Next, the toggle variable is set to 0, the background image changes again, and the data is removed from local storage: this step also works as expected.

  • ...

  • However, when a user clicks on another element (causing the previous data to be deleted), new data should be inserted. Why does this not happen?

JSON Data:

 Object {
    sess_id   : 182104, 
    name      : "AUTOMECH FORMULA", 
    city      : "Cairo", 
    country   : "Egypt", 
    event_url : "automech-formula"

events:189 Object {
    sess_id   : 182104, 
    name      : "AUTOMECH FORMULA", 
    city      : "Cairo", 
    country   : "Egypt", 
    event_url : "automech-formula"

Snapshot for all data removed upon clicking a specific div:


<div class="evt_date"  style="overflow:hidden" style="overflow:hidden" itemscope itemtype="">                             
    <a href="javascript:void(0);"  class="favourate_dextop" id="fav'.$data[$k]['id'].'"  onClick=" favaorite('.$data[$k]['id'].',\''.$name_event.'\',\''.$event_city.'\',\''.$event_country.'\',\''.$event_urls.'\',this)"></a>


var image2 = '';
var image1 = '';
var toggle = 1;

function favaorite(sess_id,name,city,country,event_url,pointer){
    var eventData;
    // Checking if there is any data in local storage
    if (localStorage.getItem('eventData') === null) {
        eventData = [];
        // Parsing the serialized data back into an array of objects
        eventData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('eventData'));
    var details={};
    details.sess_id   = sess_id;      = name;      = city;   = country;
    details.event_url = event_url;

    // Adding the new data to the array

    if (toggle == 1){
        $(pointer).closest('.evt_date').find('.favourate_dextop').css('background-image', 'url("' + image2 + '")');
        toggle = 0;
        $(pointer).closest('.evt_date').find('.favourate_dextop').css('background-image', 'url("' + image1 + '")');
        $.each(eventData, function(key, value){
            delete value.sess_id;
            delete value.event_url;            
        toggle = 1;
    var jsondata=localStorage.setItem('eventData', JSON.stringify(eventData));

Check out the Fiddle here

Answer №1

One of the main issues lies in attempting to use JSON.stringify on a standard JavaScript array:

eventData = [];

This approach will only work if your data is structured as an object: eventData = {};

Another concern pertains to the following actions:

delete value.sess_id;
delete value.event_url;

The consequence of these actions is that instead of deleting the object, you are actually clearing it out. As a result, your new data resembles this: {}{}{}{}{}... (indicating numerous empty, unidentified objects). To successfully delete the object, you must first determine which specific one you intend to remove ( (*) refer to the subsequent section)

Here is my suggestion/solution :

  • Eliminate the onclick attribute and utilize jQuery's .click() event handler instead.

  • Store all data in data attributes - this facilitates easy retrieval of associated data with the element directly as an object (without additional processing).

  • Checking the toggle state is redundant since it toggles automatically upon each click. The focus should be on confirming the existence of the object and inserting/deleting it accordingly. Utilize .toggleClass() for the image itself and assign a CSS class with suitable image background (as opposed to programmatically replacing it).

  • (*) Assign a unique key to each object in localStorage so that it can be identified later on. This key could be anything distinctive and recognizable ("matchable") with a specified element. Consider setting it as the id attribute of the currently clicked element, like:

    fav1:{name :'blah', ...}, fav2:{...}, ...


<a href="#" class="favourate_dextop" id="fav'.$data[$k]['id'].'"
    data-event_url="'.$event_urls.'" >



    // initialize an empty object (not an array):
    var eventData = {};
    // check localStorage once the page is fully loaded (not upon click):
    if (localStorage.getItem('eventData') !== null) {
        // highlight any favorited links present in localstorage:
        $.each(eventData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('eventData')), function(id){

    // replace 'onclick' attribute with jQuery .click() event handler:
        // prevent default link click behavior (instead of using "javascript:void(0);" in the href attribute):
        // verify if the link's "id" attribute ( exists in the object:
        if (eventData[] !== undefined) {
            // if yes, remove it:
            delete eventData[];
        } else {
            // if not, add it:
            // retrieve all 'data' attributes of the element as an object using the .data() method
            eventData[] = $(this).data();
        // toggle '.faved' class:
        // update localstorage:
        localStorage.setItem('eventData', JSON.stringify(eventData));

In your CSS, introduce a .faved class instead of changing the image background with jQuery:

.favourate_dextop.faved, .favourate_dextop:hover{
    background:url('') no-repeat;


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