Updates made to CSS are not appearing on the Joomla site

My website is based on Joomla and has been functioning well since it was created. However, recently I have noticed that any CSS changes made in the files are not showing up on the site. I have tried clearing the cache and viewing it from different ISPs, but to no avail. Can anyone provide suggestions on how to fix this issue? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

It appears that the Template you are using utilizes LESS instead of traditional CSS. To confirm, check if there is a folder located within


If this folder exists, you will need to create (if it has not been already) a css file named "custom.css".

This file should be placed inside the "

" directory, where you can then input your specific CSS code.

Joomla will recognize and incorporate this "custom.css" file last, ensuring that your modifications take effect appropriately.

Answer №2

Apologies for the delay in response, but I have finally discovered the solution to the issue. It turns out that the problem was caused by having CloudFlare enabled on my hosting account. After contacting my hosting support, they deactivated CloudFlare and this resolved the issue. Now, all of the CSS changes are visible and everything is working smoothly.

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