Iterating through an SVG path multiple times

If I have the arrow below and I want to place it at various locations within the svg:

<svg width="400" height="400">
<path transform="translate(150,100)" fill="black" d="M 0.5,0.5 l-100,0 -25,20 25,20 100,0 z" />
<path transform="translate(300,200)" fill="black" d="M 0.5,0.5 l-100,0 -25,20 25,20 100,0 z" />
<path transform="translate(150,300)" fill="black" d="M 0.5,0.5 l-100,0 -25,20 25,20 100,0 z" />

In case I decide to change the path shape in the future, I would like to avoid repeating the d attribute multiple times.

Is there a way to define the path's shape once and then position it at different x, y coordinates without using JavaScript?

A couple of considerations:

Is there a method to prevent copying the entire code repeatedly besides injecting it using JavaScript?

Answer №1

Adding to JCD's answer, this explanation showcases why the <symbol> element is not necessary in this scenario. While <symbol> elements offer unique features, they are redundant when simply reusing an element.

<svg width="400" height="400">
    <path id="mypath" fill="black" d="M 0,20 l25,20 100,0 0,-40 -100,0 z" />
  <use xlink:href="#mypath" x="50" y="100" />
  <use xlink:href="#mypath" x="200" y="200" />
  <use xlink:href="#mypath" x="50" y="300" />

Answer №2

<defs> actually allows the use of <path>, as it falls under the category of "Shape Element" according to the documentation. However, the primary purpose of <defs> is simply to organize your SVG content in a semantic way. If you're aiming to define and reuse shapes, you should focus on using <symbol> and <use>.

<symbol> serves as a template that can be reused multiple times.

<use> creates instances of the specified symbols.

<svg width="400" height="400">
    <symbol id="mypath">
      <path fill="black" d="M 0,20 l25,20 100,0 0,-40 -100,0 z" />
  <use xlink:href="#mypath" x="50" y="100" />
  <use xlink:href="#mypath" x="200" y="200" />
  <use xlink:href="#mypath" x="50" y="300" />

Your <path> data may need adjustments, especially if it extends beyond the visible area of the element. I recommend starting your path from the left edge of the element to avoid potential cropping issues, eliminating the need for the transform property. You can refer to the example above for a clearer understanding of this approach.

Explore more about <symbol> here

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