What is the best way to vertically align my image for perfect centering?

On one of my pages at , there is a section titled "FREE PICK UP AND RECYCLING OF LARGE QUANTITIES OF ELECTRONICS" with a picture of a truck. The image is perfectly centered vertically between the pictures on its left and right.

Another page I have at features a section under the heading "OUR ACCREDITATIONS AND AFFILIATIONS" displaying a logo for an organization called CAR (the middle logo). Despite all my efforts, this logo is not aligned perfectly at the midpoint of the images on either side.

I've done some CSS comparisons using Chrome's Inspect Element tool, but I can't seem to spot the difference causing this issue.

Any suggestions or thoughts on how to fix this?

Answer №1

Many people have been discussing potential fixes, but the main question remains: WHY are these two behaving differently? I encountered the same issue while using Chrome and was intrigued by the discrepancy.

To highlight the variances in alignment between the two pages when viewed on Chrome, I have added a red border to visually demonstrate that they are not top-aligned:


Upon viewing both pages in Firefox, it becomes apparent that they are indeed aligned at the top:


This observation led me to discover an inline style present on one page (), which was not found on the other:

-webkit-box-align: center;
-webkit-box-pack: center;

(More information about box-align can be found here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/box-align)

Thus, this difference in styling is the reason for the discrepancy in alignment, particularly noticeable in Chrome due to the vendor prefix.

I hope this explanation sheds some light on the matter!

Answer №2

One way to achieve this is by adding padding-top to the containing div and removing it using a media query when necessary for responsiveness.

Another option is to refer to this example that has been successful in aligning images vertically inside a div. However, it can be challenging to ensure proper display across all browsers when utilizing empty elements and incorporating display:inline.

Answer №3

Include the following CSS code:


Incorporate it into the element identified by the Xpath below:


(specifically, a div with classes "x-column vc one-third")

Answer №4

The solution to the issue while maintaining responsiveness is to include the following CSS code:

.center-block {
margin-top: 2.25em;

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