There seems to be a glitch with certain div elements not behaving as expected in Bootstrap version

I've been struggling with a persistent question lately that seems like it should have a simple solution, but I just can't seem to figure it out.

The issue I'm facing is related to Chrome and how certain divs on this particular page behave when resizing the browser window. Most of the divs resize properly, except for a few instances where they overlap each other. Specifically, between 768px and 991px (using media queries), the posts for National Wax Museum and Dublin Zoo overlap. This problem persists further down the page with other posts as well, although the majority of the page displays fine.

Interestingly enough, this issue doesn't occur in Firefox.

Additionally, when the screen width falls below 767px, most of the divs start overlapping vertically.

I've attempted various solutions such as adding

<div class="clearfix"></div>
in different places, experimenting with different variations of col-**-4, and adjusting floats, but nothing seems to work.

Here's a sample of the post HTML:

... (post HTML code snippet) ...

CSS Styles Used:

... (CSS styles code snippet) ...

In Firefox, everything seems to be working fine. However, there's an additional issue where columns don't resize below 767px, which interestingly doesn't happen in Chrome!

If anyone has any insights or suggestions on how I can resolve these issues, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm feeling pretty stuck at the moment.

Thanks in advance!

Answer ā„–1

The URL you provided contains inline CSS within the div element, setting position:absolute along with left and top values. I recommend either deleting this inline style or attempting to override it using the following code:

@media (min-width: 768px){
    .tour-thumb {
      position: relative !important;
      left: auto !important;
      top: auto !important;
      float: left;

Answer ā„–2

Thanks to the guidance of @Miktown, I incorporated the following CSS code to address the problem:

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px){
    .tour-thumb {
       width:50% !important;

@media (max-width: 767px){
    .tour-thumb {
     width:96% !important;


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