It is not possible to submit a form within a Modal using React Semantic UI

I am working on creating a modal for submitting a form using React semantic UI. However, I am encountering an issue with the submit button not functioning correctly and the answers not being submitted to Google Form even though I have included action={GOOGLE Form URL}. Below is a snippet of the code and I am hoping someone can help identify the problem. The click event on the button seems to work as it logs something when console.log() is added.

const GOOGLE_FORM_ENDPOINT = "http~~~"

return (
  <Modal open={isModalOpen} as={Form}>
    {/* <Header
    /> */}
      <Form action={GOOGLE_FORM_ENDPOINT}>
          <label htmlFor="game">他にプレイしたいゲームはありますか?</label>
          <label htmlFor="price">
          <label htmlFor="request">
          <textarea id="request" name="entry.656434793"></textarea>
          onClick={(e) => {


Answer №1

When you invoke e.preventDefault(), you are stopping the browser from carrying out its default action, which is to submit the form.

You have two choices when it comes to submitting the form:

  1. Remove e.preventDefault() and allow the browser to handle the submission as usual. The downside of this approach is that the user will be redirected to the action URL, which may not provide the best experience. This brings us to the second option.
  2. Use e.preventDefault() to prevent the form from being submitted traditionally, but instead use ajax to submit the form - for example, with fetch.

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