What is preventing images from displaying in my slider within baguetteBox?

Currently, I am in the process of incorporating a slider into my website using the baguetteBox library. After consulting the documentation, I successfully implemented an example that is functioning smoothly without any issues. In order to display a series of images, I am leveraging PHP and iterating through an array.

<div class="gallery">
     '; foreach ($dataFotos['fotos'] as $key) { echo '
       <a href="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-79DdxzZkDog/T76QV6v5IuI/AAAAAAAAAEY/6DzpGZzsmfA/s320/homerocatolico_456_336.jpg">
            <img src="' . $key['foto'] . '" alt="Second image">
        '; } echo '

Everything functions as expected when I use a URL with this format:

 <a href="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-79DdxzZkDog/T76QV6v5IuI/AAAAAAAAAEY/6DzpGZzsmfA/s320/homerocatolico_456_336.jpg">

The slider displays the images seamlessly. However, I encountered an issue when attempting to showcase images hosted on Google Drive. The link generated by Google follows this format:

  <a href="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/2IYYQLR38oxMnF51zCAGHDeUXlCk69gJBsXogjO-AM-eR-fQwWrnE8XEZt8iSViFBUuDJE5AQQzrS1hX3VPLpU5cSzmuXE07JT9UIJawi0Sp">

Regrettably, the images do not appear and the slider ceases to function properly at this point.

Answer №1

Simply add ?.jpg at the end of the link to make it function properly


Answer №2

  • It did the trick for me

baguetteBox.play('.exhibition', {
  sort: /.*/i

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