Styling with CSS: Utilizing the Float Left Property to Anchor Elements

Currently, I have implemented an anchor element that utilizes a CSS class to replace the text with an image. Despite its unusual nature, the end result is mostly satisfactory.

.toolLink a {   
    background:url(/resources/images/edit.png) no-repeat;
    width: 15px;
    height: 15px;

This is how my anchor element appears:

<a href="#" class="toolEdit">edit</a>

When I remove the "float:left" statement, the word "edit" becomes visible and the image shrinks. Removing "float:left" is necessary for centering the content in a table column. However, it results in the content aligning to the left due to this property being removed. What would be the correct course of action in this scenario?

Answer №1

Make sure to follow these instructions...

The provided CSS

    background:url(/resources/images/edit.png) no-repeat;
    width: 15px;
    height: 15px;

.toolEdit span 

You can delete the overflow:hidden style as it is not needed...

The HTML code you need

<a href="#" class="toolEdit"><span>edit</span></a>

Answer №2

Inline elements are like anchors. Consider adding display:block to your .toolUpdate class for better visibility.

If the anchor is not navigating anywhere or serving its purpose, switching to a div element might be more appropriate.


Regardless, the "Update" option should still be visible unless there's specific javascript hiding it. In that case, replacing "Update" with an image instead of a background image could be a good alternative.

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