Replacing Material-UI dialog fonts

I have created a unique User Confirmation Dialog using the Material UI Dialog component, similar to the example provided here

While working on customizing the dialog, I encountered an issue with changing the font. Although I was able to change the color and background color successfully, the fonts in the header or buttons of the dialog were still inherited from Material-UI. I have been able to overwrite the fonts in other components, but this particular part with callback posed a challenge:

const UserConfirmation = (
  message: string,
  callback: (shouldNavigate: boolean) => void
) => {
  const container = document.createElement('div')
  container.setAttribute('custom-confirmation-navigation', '')
  const closeModal = (shouldNavigate: boolean) => {


          style={{fontFamily: `BuenosAires !important`, color: `orange`}}
          Discard draft?
          <p> {message} </p>
            onClick={() => closeModal(true)}
          <div style={{ width: '80%' }} />
            onClick={() => closeModal(false)}
export default UserConfirmation

Answer №1

Hey there Alex

This solution is absolutely perfect for me:

<DialogTitle  disableTypography="true">

In addition, the issue with buttons' labels was resolved by this tweak:

label={<h5 style={{ textTransform: 'none' }}>Cancel</h5>}

Answer №2

Utilize the classes object to customize or expand upon the styles implemented in the component. Click here for more information.

Create your own custom styles as shown below

const useStyles = makeStyles({

  customDialogTitle: {

Then assign them to the classes attribute

   <DialogTitle disableTypography="true"

                 root: classes.customDialogTitle

Check out this sample sandbox for reference.

Answer №3

Previous solutions are no longer effective (MUI v5).
I stumbled upon this question while searching on Google, so I thought I'd update it in case someone finds it helpful.

To customize the font family, you can use typography.fontFamily.

const theme = createTheme({
  typography: {
    fontFamily: 'Georgia',

If you are using next/font, you can specify the font family with (Credit to the comment in the discussion)
Previously, I used inherit and it worked well within the main content area, but not in roles like Dialog or Menu.

import { Inter } from 'next/font/google'
const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'] })

let theme = createTheme({
  typography: {

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