Issue with Navbar Collapse Toggle not deactivating (following transition from bootstrap v4 beta to v4 alpha 6)

Recently, I encountered an issue with my navbar after switching to v4 alpha 6 in order to utilize the responsive utilities that this version offered.

If you visit the following page: , you will see what I mean.

Prior to upgrading to v4 alpha 6, all menu links were visible in the navbar until the window size was reduced enough for the toggle button to take over.

However, since making the switch, the toggle button is constantly displayed and there are no other menu items shown.

I've spent time inspecting the code but have been unable to identify a solution. Even starting from scratch using the v4 documentation did not resolve the issue, even though my navbar is already based on v4.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to address this problem?

Answer №1

Make sure to include navbar-toggleable-* in your nav element.

<nav style="background-color: #e3f2fd;" class="navbar navbar-toggleable navbar-expand-md navbar-light fixed-top">

You can refer to the Bootstrap documentation for a correct example:

According to the documentation, Navbars need a wrapping .navbar with .navbar-toggleable-* for responsive collapsing and color scheme classes.

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