"I recently started using Protractor and as per company policy, I am unable to utilize XPath. I am facing difficulties with the code below and would greatly appreciate any insights or assistance provided

I am looking for guidance on how to write automation test scripts for a small AngularJs application using the cucumber-protractor-typescript framework. As someone new to Angular applications, I am particularly concerned about creating reliable locators.

Below is an example of the HTML code I am working with and need help writing a locator for a drop-down icon:

<span class="mat-expansion-indicator ng-tns-c22-597 ng-trigger ng-trigger-indicatorRotate ng-star-inserted" style="transform: rotate(1800deg);"></span>

My xpath locator looks like this:

expandedBrandIcon = element(by.xpath("//h2[contains(text(),'Brand')]/ancestor::mat-expansion-panel-header//span[contains(@style,'180deg')]

Answer №1

If you're looking to target an element based on its text content, CSS alone won't be able to achieve that like XPath can. Here's a CSS selector that might work for the HTML snippet you've shared:

div.ng-star-inserted span.mat-expansion-indicator[style='180deg']

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