Is there a way to conditionally truncate text using a function called Truncate only when the offsetHeight of the left div with class demo is greater than the offsetHeight of the right div? If this condition is not met, then simply return the original content.
Check out the demo
var textHolder = document.querySelector('.demo');
var textHolder2 = document.querySelector('.demo2')
var textHolderHeight = textHolder.offsetHeight + 'px'
var textHolderHeight2 = textHolder2.offsetHeight + 'px'
var fullText = textHolder.innerHTML;
var btn = document.querySelector('.btn');
var textStatus = 'full'; // use this to check the status of text and toggle;
function Truncate(textHolder, limit) {
let txt = textHolder.innerHTML;
if (txt.length > limit) {
let newText = txt.substr(0, limit) + ' ...';
textHolder.innerHTML = newText;
textStatus = 'truncated';
Truncate(textHolder, textHolder.offsetWidth / 10);
function toggleText() {
if (textStatus === 'truncated') {
textHolder.innerHTML = fullText;
textStatus = 'full';
} else {
Truncate(textHolder, textHolder.offsetWidth / 10);
btn.addEventListener('click', toggleText);
<section class="demo" id="demo">
Let's truncate a long line of text so that the words don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course! Let's truncate a long line of text so that the words don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course! Let's truncate a long
line of text so that the words don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course!
<button class="readMore btn">Read More</button>
<section class="demo2" id="demo2">
Let's truncate a long line of text so that the words don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course! Let's truncate a long line of text so that the words don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course! Let's truncate a long
line of text so that the words don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course!don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course! Let's truncate a long line of text so that the words don't wrap when they're not supposed to.
Multi-line of course!don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course! Let's truncate a long line of text so that the words don't wrap when they're not supposed to. Multi-line of course!
Appreciate your assistance on this matter.