Numerous SVGs sharing identical IDs

Is it possible to include multiple SVGs on an HTML page and utilize the same IDs in each of them?

  <svg height="0" width="0">
    <clipPath id="svgPath"> ........        
  <svg height="0" width="0">
    <clipPath id="svgPath"> ........        
  <svg height="0" width="0">
    <clipPath id="svgPath"> ........        

Answer №1

It is important to note that the specifications state that the id attribute should be unique per document. To comply with this, you may need to refactor the IDs or consider using alternatives such as embedding through the img or object tag.

<img src="my.svg" height="100" alt="alternative Text">

<object type="image/svg+xml" data="my.svg" width="100" height="100"></object>

Answer №2

To ensure that SVGs are displayed inline, it is recommended to use an SVG injector. This tool modifies the IDs to unique strings when inserting the SVGs into the HTML document.

One such tool, SVGInject, appends a random string to the end of the ID for elements defined within the <defs> section. For instance, svgPath might be transformed into svgPath-Dcs83KsE. Other SVG injectors may incrementally add a number to the ID.

These methods were designed to allow the same SVG to be injected multiple times into an HTML document without causing ID conflicts. Additionally, they can handle scenarios where different SVGs have conflicting IDs.

Answer №3

In HTML, it is not allowed to have multiple id attributes within the same document. Each id attribute must be unique to identify a specific element.

The id attribute is used to specify a unique identifier for an element. This value must be unique among all the IDs in the document.

If you need to assign multiple identifiers to elements, you should use the class attribute instead.

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