Unusual Display of Mantine Radio Button

I am currently using Mantine v7.0.0 in combination with Next.js v13.5.2 and Tailwind v3.3.3. In my setup, when I create <Radio /> elements, the svg of the element is appearing separately from the radio button instead of replacing it. This issue can be visualized here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/preCE.png

Neither of the black circles are clickable and even adding or removing the <RadioGroup> component does not yield any results.

The code for my component is as follows:

import { MantineProvider, Radio, RadioGroup} from "@mantine/core";

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <RadioGroup className={"flex"}>
        <Radio name={"123"} value={"email"} label={"Email"} />
        <Radio name={"123"} value={"phone"} label={"Phone"} />

In addition, below is the content of my package.json:

  "name": "nextjstest",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  [ ...remaining package.json content... ]

An important point to mention: if I remove the display:flex property, the svg images become excessively large and do not fully fit on the screen.

Answer №1

It seems that there may be a conflict between Tailwind.css styles and the styles of Mantine components. One solution is to remove the import of tailwind base from globals.css.

For further information, check out this discussion on GitHub.

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