Unable to modify SVG color to a white hue

I am currently working on an Angular project where I am utilizing SVG to display some icons. These icons originally have a default grey color, but I want them to change to white when hovered over. Interestingly, while changing the color to red, green, or yellow works perfectly fine, attempting to change it to white does not seem to work.

Below is my HTML code snippet:

<div class="user-name">
    <svg *ngIf="hasCopyToClipboard" width="10" height="12" viewBox="0 0 10 12"
         fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
        <path opacity="0.5"
              d="M6.49997 0.500031H0.999995C0.449998 0.500031 0 0.950028 0 1.50003V7.99999C0 8.27499 0.224999 8.49999 0.499997 8.49999C0.774996 8.49999 0.999995 8.27499 0.999995 7.99999V2.00002C0.999995 1.72502 1.22499 1.50003 1.49999 1.50003H6.49997C6.77497 1.50003 6.99996 1.27503 6.99996 1.00003C6.99996 0.725029 6.77497 0.500031 6.49997 0.500031ZM6.79497 2.79502L9.20995 5.21001C9.39495 5.39501 9.49995 5.65 9.49995 5.915V10.5C9.49995 11.05 9.04995 11.5...

And here is how my SCSS looks like:

.user-name {
  width: 100%;
  font-weight: 500;
  font-size: 12px;
  padding-left: 3px;

  svg {
    float: right;
    margin: 2px 0 2px 10px;
    cursor: pointer;

    :hover {
      fill: white;


Answer №1

The fill color is currently applied directly on the :hover state of the svg element, but it should be targeted towards the path element instead. This adjustment is necessary because the SVG path already contains a fill="blue" attribute.

svg:hover path { }

To further illustrate this issue, refer to the provided example below:

svg {
  margin: 2px 0 2px 10px;
  cursor: pointer;

svg:hover path {
  fill: red;
<svg width="10" height="12" viewBox="0 0 10 12" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
    <path opacity="0.5"
          d="M6.49997 0.500031H0.999995C0.449998 0.500031 0 0.950028 0 1.50003V7.99999C0 8.27499 0.224999 8.49999 0.499997 8.49999C0.774996 8.49999 0.999995 8.27499 0.999995 7.99999V2.00002C0.999995 1.72502 1.22499 1.50003 1.49999 1.50003H6.49997C6.77497 1.50003 6.99996 1.27503 6.99996 1.00003C6.99996 0.725029 6.77497 0.500031 6.49997 0.500031ZM6.79497 2.79502L9.20995 5.21001C9.39495 5.39501 9.49995 5.65 9.49995 5.915V10.5C9.49995 11.05 9.04995 11.5 8.49996 11.5H2.99498C2.44499 11.5 1.99999 11.05 1.99999 10.5L2.00499 3.50002C2.00499 2.95002 2.44999 2.50002 2.99998 2.50002H6.08497C6.34997 2.50002 6.60497 2.60502 6.79497 2.79502ZM6.49997 6H8.74996L5.99997 3.25002V5.50001C5.99997 5.775 6.22497 6 6.49997 6Z"

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