Achieve full height for the span tag within a div using CSS styling

I am facing a particular scenario:
In a bootstrap row with 2 columns:
- the first column contains a table with a button to add new rows - the second column has a label and a span (although it doesn't have to be a span)

Both columns have equal heights, but I want the label and the span to occupy the entire column space. The label has a fixed height, while the span should fill the remaining height. I attempted using height: 100%, inserting an intermediate div, but without success

Is this achievable?

Edit: Here is the desired outcome:

    <span class="editorWidth positionDescription">This text varies
This control should expand like the left div
It should also allow scrolling if the text exceeds the space available

The span.positionDescription should consume the remaining space in the div. I tried converting the span to a div, but the scroll bar appeared outside the container div

Answer №1

If you could provide the actual HTML and CSS code, it would make understanding the question much simpler. However, I believe that your issue can be resolved by using the calc function in CSS:

element {height: calc(100% - x);}

Here, 'x' represents the height of the logo. The calc function allows for basic calculations in CSS, making it quite straightforward to use. With this approach, the element should take up 100% of the space without overflowing. Be sure to also account for any padding and margins on both elements.

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