Adding an Icon to a Tab in Ant Design - A Step-by-Step Guide

Is there a way to include an icon before the title of each open tab? I am currently using the antd library for tab creation, which doesn't provide a direct option for adding icons. Here is my code snippet along with a link to the jsfiddle

import React, { useState, useCallback } from "react";
import { Tabs, Button } from 'antd';
import 'antd/dist/antd.css';

const { TabPane } = Tabs;

const Tabbar = (props) => {

const [focusingPaneKey, setFocusingPaneKey] = useState('');
const [openingPaneKeys, setOpeningPaneKeys] = useState([]);

const openPane = (paneKey) => {
  setOpeningPaneKeys(oldState => {
    if (!oldState.includes(paneKey)) {
      return [...oldState, paneKey];
    return oldState;


const closePane = (paneKey) => {
  if (paneKey === focusingPaneKey) {
    const paneKeyIndex = openingPaneKeys.indexOf(paneKey);
    setFocusingPaneKey(openingPaneKeys[paneKeyIndex - 1]);

  setOpeningPaneKeys(openingPaneKeys.filter((openingPaneKey) => openingPaneKey !== paneKey));

const handleTabsEdit = useCallback((key, action) => {
  if (action === 'remove') {
}, [closePane]);

const { panes } = props;
const keysOfPane = Object.keys(panes);

return (
<div className="tab-section">
  <div style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}>
    { => (
      <Button key={key} onClick={() => openPane(key)}>
        ADD Tab-{key}
      .map((key) => panes[key])
      .map((pane) => (
        <TabPane tab={pane.title} key={pane.key}>

export default Tabbar

Answer №1

TabPane accepts tab as ReactNode,

    .map((key) => panes[key])
    .map((pane) => (
            <AppleOutlined />

Try this

var x = {
  1: { key: "1", title: "Tab 1", content: "Content of Tab Pane 1" },
  2: { key: "2", title: "Tab 2", content: "Content of Tab Pane 2" },
  3: { key: "3", title: "Tab 3", content: "Content of Tab Pane 3" },

const map = {
  1: Icon1,
  2: Icon2,
  3: Icon3,

const getTab = (pane) => (
        <pane.icon />

  {Object.keys(x).map((key) =>
      icon: map[key],

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