Unable to modify jwplayer css styles to customize the chromecast icon

Is there a way to customize the chromecast icon within the JWPlayer skin to have a specific color? I've identified that the styles I need to change are --connected-color and disconnected-color when inspecting the element.

Despite my attempts through both css and jquery, I have been unable to successfully override these colors. Any suggestions or solutions?

Answer №1

Uncertain whether those are classes or attributes, it seems they are attributes so consider using attribute selectors:

[--connected-color] {
    // add your custom CSS values here

[disconnected-color] {
    // insert your custom CSS values here

Alternatively, you may find the information you need in the documentation :D docs

Answer №2

When working with a CSS preprocessor such as SASS or SCSS, it is crucial to regularly update your linters to avoid any issues during compilation. Failure to do so can result in incorrect CSS output.

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