Adjusting the "width" of a widgets within a particular <td> element on WordPress

Recently, I was given the task of modifying a mortgage calculator widget on a WordPress site to enlarge its appearance.

Specifically, I am attempting to adjust the

#MLCalcFormLoanForm table tbody tr td
where one of the individual tags is set with a width of "15" <td width="15">.

By making the widget wider, my goal is to center the data fields within it.

Since the website is built on Wordpress, I do not have direct access to HTML or the ability to edit the width of that specific td element. You can view the URL in question below:

Answer №1

After some investigation, I managed to solve the issue. By accessing the widgets file with the help of a filepath discovered in the inspector, I was able to locate the specific code line containing the width="15" text string. After finding only 3 instances of this code, I modified the width value and saved the changes to the file.

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