The drop-down does not move above the subsequent div when focused

I have implemented a dropdown feature on focus of an <input type='text'> box in the following manner

The issue I am facing is with the positioning of the dropdown box. It currently displaces the content of the container-box below it. Is there a way to make this text box act like a select tag without actually using the select tag?

My CSS for the dropdown div includes:


To show the dropdown on focus, I use the following jQuery code:


Additionally, I want the dropdown to disappear when the focus is removed from the search box.

In summary, I have two questions:

  1. About fixing the position of the dropdown
  2. Enabling toggling of the dropdown visibility on and off focus of the search box

Thank you!

Answer №1

To create a dropdown, you can utilize the CSS property position:absolute;. Additionally, implement the Jquery event blur on the text field to hide it.

Check out the JS FIDDLE DEMO here





.container-box {
    background: #eee;


.dropdown ul {
    padding :0;
    background : #aaffdd;

The styling of the drop-down is left to your creativity! Customize it as you see fit :)

Answer №2

To prevent the dropdown from affecting other elements, you can utilize position: absolute; in CSS.

If you want to handle what happens when there is no focus, you can use the jQuery method .blur().

Check out this demo on JSFiddle:


.dropdown {
    display: none;
    z-index: 200;
    position: absolute;
    background-color: #eee;
    width: 400px;

jQuery code:

$('#text-box').blur(function() {

Answer №3

To position the div absolutely, you can follow this CSS code:

    border:1px solid #ccc;

For a visual demonstration, check out this JS Fiddle link

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